#17 Session 5 Assignment

Monday, April 7, 2014

Please choose one stuck point every day and answer the Challenging Questions with regard to each stuck point.

Below is an example of a Challenging Beliefs Worksheet.

Belief: Other adults touching me in uncomfortable.

1) What is the evidence for this idea?
My anxiety level heightens dramatically if there's a chance someone could touch me.

2) What is the evidence against this idea?
Not ALL adults cause high anxiety.  Mostly it occurs with "goodbyes" because hugs are usually expected.

3) Is your belief a habit or based on facts?

4) Are your interpretations of the situation too far removed from reality to be accurate?
Yes, they won't hurt me.

5) Are you thinking in all-or-none terms?

6) Are you using words or phrases that are extreme or exaggerated (i.e., always, forever, never, need, should, must, can't, and every time)?
Yes, everytime.

7) Are you taking the situation out of context and only focusing on one aspect of the event?
Yes, I think and worry about them touching me instead of feeling or saying goodbye.

8) Is the source of the information reliable?

9) Are you confusing a low probability with a high probability?

10) Are your judgments based on feelings rather than facts?

11) Are you focused on irrelevant factors?

Belief: Looking attractive makes men (especially my husband) look at me in a sexual way.

1) What is the evidence for this idea?
I get "hit on" often when I go out with the girls.  This is usually when I "dress-up".

2) What is the evidence against this idea?
I dress nice for weddings but don't get hit on.  I get stares but not hit on.  This is probably because my husband is with me.

3) Is your belief a habit or based on facts?

4) Are your interpretations of the situation too far removed from reality to be accurate?

5) Are you thinking in all-or-none terms?

6) Are you using words or phrases that are extreme or exaggerated (i.e., always, forever, never, need, should, must, can't, and every time)?
Yes, every time.  I do not consider my career attire "attractive".

7) Are you taking the situation out of context and only focusing on one aspect of the event?
No.  The thought of not wanting men to look at me or to get close to me, maybe.

8) Is the source of the information reliable?

9) Are you confusing a low probability with a high probability?
No.  High probability.  I don't consider myself unattractive even when not "dressed-up".

10) Are your judgments based on feelings rather than facts?

11) Are you focused on irrelevant factors?
Yes.  Strangers are irrelevant.

Belief: People near me are dangerous.

1) What is the evidence for this idea?
I was "raped" by a stranger.  Every day people are harmed by strangers or even people they don't know.

2) What is the evidence against this idea?
Not everyone is dangerous.  Most people aren't.

3) Is your belief a habit or based on facts?
Belief and facts.  Odds are nothing dangerous will happen, but there is a possibility.

4) Are your interpretations of the situation too far removed from reality to be accurate?
Yes, a normal person doesn't think this way.

5) Are you thinking in all-or-none terms?
No, I know not all are dangerous.  (Then my therapist made me cross that out and write...)

6) Are you using words or phrases that are extreme or exaggerated (i.e., always, forever, never, need, should, must, can't, and every time)?
No.  (Then my therapist made me cross that out and write...)
Yes, everyone.

7) Are you taking the situation out of context and only focusing on one aspect of the event?

8) Is the source of the information reliable?
Possibly, but people are harmed every day.

9) Are you confusing a low probability with a high probability?
YES, but I am prepared just in case.

10) Are your judgments based on feelings rather than facts?
No.  (Then my therapist made me cross that out and write...)
Yes, discomfort.

11) Are you focused on irrelevant factors?

Belief: Blanket and socks are suffocating.

1) What is the evidence for this idea?
My anxiety level and fear heighten when blankets cover my feet and often times when I wear socks.

2) What is the evidence against this idea?
Blankets and socks will not suffocate me or harm me.

3) Is your belief a habit or based on facts?

4) Are your interpretations of the situation too far removed from reality to be accurate?

5) Are you thinking in all-or-none terms?
Yes, except in rare circumstances during winter when I wear socks, but NEVER, EVER wear socks to bed.

6) Are you using words or phrases that are extreme or exaggerated (i.e., always, forever, never, need, should, must, can't, and every time)?
Yes, always except when I wear socks with my shoes during winter.

7) Are you taking the situation out of context and only focusing on one aspect of the event?
Yes.  This could be due to claustrophobia (which runs in my family).

8) Is the source of the information reliable?

9) Are you confusing a low probability with a high probability?

10) Are your judgments based on feelings rather than facts?

11) Are you focused on irrelevant factors?
Yes, I guess?

Belief: Picking at myself is relaxing.

1) What is the evidence for this idea?
Only how I feel while I do it.

2) What is the evidence against this idea?
Everything.  How I feel about the scabs and pain.  How it makes me look.  How I'm harming myself.

3) Is your belief a habit or based on facts?

4) Are your interpretations of the situation too far removed from reality to be accurate?

5) Are you thinking in all-or-none terms?

6) Are you using words or phrases that are extreme or exaggerated (i.e., always, forever, never, need, should, must, can't, and every time)?

7) Are you taking the situation out of context and only focusing on one aspect of the event?

8) Is the source of the information reliable?

9) Are you confusing a low probability with a high probability?

10) Are your judgments based on feelings rather than facts?

11) Are you focused on irrelevant factors?

Belief: My dad moved back from Illinois.  Could I see him again?

1) What is the evidence for this idea?
My dad lives in the same area as him.  If I spend a week at my dad's, I will be traveling to many places in that area.

2) What is the evidence against this idea?
Odds are probably higher that I won't see him.

3) Is your belief a habit or based on facts?

4) Are your interpretations of the situation too far removed from reality to be accurate?

5) Are you thinking in all-or-none terms?

6) Are you using words or phrases that are extreme or exaggerated (i.e., always, forever, never, need, should, must, can't, and every time)?

7) Are you taking the situation out of context and only focusing on one aspect of the event?

8) Is the source of the information reliable?

9) Are you confusing a low probability with a high probability?

10) Are your judgments based on feelings rather than facts?
Yes, on how I would feel or react if I saw him.  How my husband would react.

11) Are you focused on irrelevant factors?