#21 Session 8 Trust Module

Session 8: Safety Issues

Please read the Trust Module and think about your beliefs before experiencing event and how the event changed or reinforced those beliefs.  Use the Challenging Beliefs Worksheets to continue analyzing  your stuck points.  Focus some attention on issues of self or other trust, as well as safety, if these remain important stuck points for you.

Trust Module Below in Red

Directly From
Cognitive Processing Therapy
Veteran/Military Version:


Patricia A. Resick, Ph.D. and Candice M. Monson, Ph.D.
National Center for PTSD, Women’s Health Sciences Division
VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston University


Kathleen M. Chard, Ph.D.
Cincinnati VA Medical Center and University of Cincinnati

BELIEFS RELATED TO SELF: The belief that one can trust or rely on one’s own perceptions or judgments. This belief is an important part of self-concept and serves an important self-protection function.

Prior Experience

If you had prior experiences where you were blamed for negative events, you may develop negative beliefs about your ability to make decisions or judgments about situations or people. The traumatic event serves to confirm these beliefs.

If you had prior experiences that led you to believe that you had great judgment, the traumatic event may disrupt this belief.

Symptoms Associated With Negative Self-Trust Beliefs
􀂾 Feelings of self-betrayal
􀂾 Anxiety
􀂾 Confusion
􀂾 Overcaution
􀂾 Inability to make decisions
􀂾 Self-doubt and excessive self-criticism

Beliefs Related to OTHERS: Trust is the belief that the promises of other people or groups can be relied on with regard to future behavior. One of the earliest tasks of childhood development is trust versus mistrust. A person needs to learn a healthy balance of trust and mistrust and when each is appropriate.

Prior Experience
If you were betrayed in early life, you may have developed the generalized belief that “no one can be trusted.” The traumatic event serves to confirm this belief, especially if you were hurt by an acquaintance.

If you had particularly good experiences growing up, you may have developed the belief that “All people can be trusted.” The traumatic event shatters this belief.

Posttraumatic Event Experience
If the people you knew and trusted were blaming, distant, or unsupportive after the traumatic event, your belief in their trustworthiness may have been shattered.

Symptoms Associated With Negative Others-Trust Beliefs
􀂾 Pervasive sense of disillusionment and disappointment in others
􀂾 Fear of betrayal or abandonment
􀂾 Anger and rage at betrayers
􀂾 If repeatedly betrayed, negative beliefs may become so rigid that even people who are trustworthy may be viewed with suspicion
􀂾 Fear of close relationships, particularly when trust is beginning to develop, active anxiety and fear of being betrayed
􀂾 Fleeing from relationships

#22 Session 9 Therapy Session

Session 9: Trust Issues

Practice Assignment:
Use the Challenging Beliefs Worksheets to continue to address your stuck points.  After reading the Power/Control Module and thinking about it, complete Challenging Beliefs Worksheets on this topic.

My husband came to this session.  He is supposed to come with me to the last four. 

The Power/Control Module is below in red.
It comes directly from:

Cognitive Processing Therapy 
Veteran/Military Version: 


Patricia A. Resick, Ph.D. and Candice M. Monson, Ph.D. 
National Center for PTSD, Women’s Health Sciences Division 
VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston University 

Kathleen M. Chard, Ph.D. 
Cincinnati VA Medical Center and University of Cincinnati 

Power/Control Issues Module

Beliefs Related to SELF: The belief/expectation that you can solve problems and meet
challenges. Power is associated with your capacity for self-growth.

Prior Experience
If you grew up experiencing inescapable, negative events, you may develop the belief that you cannot control events or solve problems even if they are controllable/solvable. This is called learned helplessness. Later traumatic events may seem to confirm prior beliefs about helplessness.

If you grew up believing that you had control over events and could solve problems (possibly unrealistically positive beliefs), the traumatic event may disrupt those beliefs.

Symptoms Associated With Negative Self-Power/Control Beliefs
􀂾 Numbing of feelings
􀂾 Avoidance of emotions
􀂾 Chronic passivity
􀂾 Hopelessness and depression
􀂾 Self-destructive patterns
􀂾 Outrage when faced with events that are out of your control or people who do not behave as you would like

Beliefs Related to OTHERS: The belief that you can control future outcomes in interpersonal relationships or that you have some power, even in relation to powerful others.

Prior Experience
If you had prior experiences with others that led you to believe that you had no control in your relationships with others, or that you had no power in relation to powerful others, the traumatic event will seem to confirm those beliefs.

If you had prior positive experiences in your relationships with others and in relation to powerful others, you may have come to believe that you could influence others. The traumatic event may shatter this belief because you were unable to exert enough control, despite your best efforts, to prevent the event.

Symptoms Associated With Negative Others-Power/Control Beliefs
􀂾 Passivity
􀂾 Submissiveness
􀂾 Lack of assertiveness that can generalize to all relationships
􀂾 Inability to maintain relationships because you do not allow the person to exert any control in the relationships (including becoming enraged if the other person tries to exert even a minimal amount of control)

Symptoms I have:
Numbing of feelings: 
I just don't care when others complain about small/unimportant things.  I have no interest of adding/thinking about drama/stress.
Avoidance of emotions: Same as above.  I don't want people to feel sorry for me or hear me bitch, just like I think about them.  
Hopelessness: Of control of my home, of my husband and how he acts and thinks, of my marriage improving, of being unashamed of my home, of feeling valued by by husband, of keeping my floors clean.
Depression: When I am overwhelmed.  When I have no help/sympathy from my husband.  When I realize my husband can't/won't change. 
Self-destructive patterns: Not eating and picking at myself
Outrage when people do not act as you'd like (trying to control others): my husband
Over-control: Of my job and over my own biological children
Not realizing I can end unhealthy relationships: Does this include marriage?

What I have control over at home:
Everything: when my husband's at work
My kids: sports, anything related to discipline, anything related to cleanliness, anything related to school and daycare
How much energy I exert on cleaning (REALIZED RECENTLY)
Pets inside the home
Myself and my choices

What I DON'T have control over at home:
Keeping the house "in order", unchaotic
A routine when my husband's home
My husband
Hiring someone to fix or clean things
Outside Animals
Fixing/Doing things with tools

Things I control but DON'T want to:
Sports: I want help because I feel sports are important, but I am so tired every night.  There are practices and games most nights.  
Anything related to school: I just want my husband to show more interest in what and how the boys are doing in school

Things I CAN'T control but want to:
Keeping the house in order.  I just need help.  Help from my husband and help from my kids.
I want a routine when David's at home.  Something we can stick to on most evenings, especially during the school year.
My husband: I know I can't control him, but I feel like I have no influence on his behaviors.
Outside: I only want the yard to look presentable 
Outside animals: Too many with no enjoyment for me.  They only cause me problems.
Hiring people to fix/clean: Only when necessary.  Like when David and/or I don't have time.
Help: I want the kids and husband to help with the inside chores.
Clean floors: I want everyone to have chores and to try to keep the floors clean.  

This therapy session ended in screaming and crying and fighting by me and my husband.  I feel like I don't want him there.  I want to finish this therapy on my own.  Him being there made it worse.  This was the first time in many weeks that I left therapy angry and sad.  My marriage felt like it was in crumbles.  I thought this therapy was about me, not about my marriage.  Marriage counseling is supposed to come after I complete CPT therapy.  So many marriage problems and arguments came out during this session.  It made me angrier at my husband.  I feel as if I beginning to HATE him.  I am frightened by this.  I feel like this therapy should be about ME and not about HIM.  I felt as if he only cared about himself.

He kept yelling over and over about how I do not SUPPORT him with his career.  

I don't understand.  My therapist doesn't understand.  What does he want me to do to show SUPPORT?  I work full time too!  

Homework was given to both of us:
My husband had to write out his idea of a "school night routine" and exactly what SUPPORT of his career looks like (because we couldn't seem to understand what he was talking about).

My homework was to do ABC worksheets on the areas of power/control that I listed above that I wanted to change and to write out my idea of a "school night time routine".  Pretty much, exactly the same as I do on the nights he's at the firestation.  

#23 Session 9 Homework

Before I start to elaborate on my homework, I have to explain circumstances surrounding it.
The week prior, my grandfather was unexpectedly killed.
He was hit by a car while trying to save his friend's dog.  
He died instantly.
I had to fly out the day after he died to support my mother's family.
So this homework was postponed a week due to the circumstance. 

My husband and I both had homework this week.

We both had to independently write down what an ideal "school-night routine" would look like.

My husband had to write what exactly "support of his jobs" looks like.

I had to do ABC's on power and control.  

I don't have my husband's copies of homework, but in the end, we decided his homework didn't matter, YET.  I'll tell you more about it later....

What I want for an evening routine, on school nights, when my husband's at home:

My husband  is at home and inside with the boys by 6pm.

6:00- Make dinner and eat with the family at the table.

7:00 Bathtime
Inbetween dinner and bath and after bath time, do any school work, get ready for tomorrow, and read to the boys.

8:00 Boys are in bed.  Tucked in.  If they haven't been read to yet, read a story to them while in bed.

After boys are in bed, no cleaning, only relaxing and bathing and getting ourselves ready for tomorrow.  Adult time.  

ABC Sheets on Power and Control

A: Activating Event- Something happens
B: Belief- I tell myself something
C: Consequence: I feel something

1) Are my thoughts in B realistic?  yes or no
2) What can you tell yourself on such occasions in the future (on the belief, B)?

A. I take care of everything that has to do with my six-year-old and school and with my three-year-old and daycare.  I pick them up everyday, drop them off every day, and talk to their teachers daily about any situations or behaviors that need to be discussed.  I sign homework folders, help with homework or skills that need to be worked on, and I deal with behavior issues with both boys. 
B. My husband knows nothing about the boys' routine, assignments, and responsibilities with daycare and school.
C. I feel sad.

1. Yes
2) Ask my husband to start being in charge of our oldest's homework folder and ONE night a week of homework to help him get involved.  

A. The house is dirty.
B. I need help cleaning the house. 
C. I feel angry and disgusted.

1) Yes
2) Come up with chores for the boys.  During the weekend have all 4 of us come together to come up with a "to-do" list for the week.

A) My husband comes home late, buys big things without asking me, does/works on what he wants, and has no care or consideration of what I want/need done.
B) I have no control or influence over my husband.
C) I feel angry and embarrassed.  AND devalued, I added a new feeling that's not on my list of feelings I'm supposed to choose from.

1) Yes
2) Ask my husband to come to me or call me before he buys big things (over $100).  Talk to my husband about my order of importance on getting things done around the house that I can't do.  Set up an evening routine agreement.

A. The yard has ongoing project piles everywhere.  
B.  The yard looks like shit.  I feel like trailer trash.
C. I feel angry and ashamed and embarrassed and disgusted.

1) Yes
2) It is slowly getting more presentable. If David would stop any new projects before others were complete, I might not be embarrassed by people coming over.

A. The pig stinks.  The sheep make the front pasture look like shit and take away from family time.  The dogs, who are strictly used to protect the farm animals, constantly eat my chickens and are worthless.  They killed 30 of my chickens in less than 2 weeks.
B. I hate all of my husband's animals, except Penny (who is house-trained and used to herd sheep).  They all cause problems.
C.  I feel enraged and sad and DEVALUED.  My feelings don't matter at all to him, especially when it came to my chickens being killed.

1) Yes
2) I'm OK with Penny.  I need to stop my chicken farming because it adds too much drama (anger, sadness) in my life because all of my favorite and expensive chickens have been killed.  Animals need to be cut back.  I enjoy my new cat.  I'd rather have MY dog, but since two of them have already been killed in our yard, a cat will have to do.

A. I can't have a second job.  Things that I need fixed or help with gets done on HIS schedule.
B. I can't hire anyone for help because my husband doesn't want to pay for something him or I can do (even if we don't have the time).  
C. I feel angry and DEVALUED.

1) Yes
2) Hire someone anyway.  Put it on the credit card if necessary (however, it would be on my credit card that I have to pay for with my paycheck).  Always tell my husband before I hire someone to give him a chance to do it before it comes to that.

A. My husband comes inside in the evenings and acts like he's miserable.
B. David acts like he's crabby and unhappy when he comes home because he "worked so hard" that day.
C. I feel angry, sad, and disgusted.  I worked too.  Just because it wasn't hard labor, which is HIS CHOICE of a side job, doesn't mean I'm not tired too.  But I RARELY act that way in the evenings, and it makes me not want to be around him because I feel he's being selfish because he thinks he works harder than me- DEVALUED.

1) Yes
2) Maybe he wants attention and for me to feel sorry for him.  

A. I rarely get time to myself, without kids.  I am a teacher.  I am around kids 24 hours of the day, unless my husband is willing to watch the boys without me.  
B. I need more time by myself.
C. I feel sad.

1) Yes
2) Set up a time-frame of what I need each week with my husband, especially when I'm at home with the boys all summer.

A. My husband put his needs before the family's needs.
B. I am not valued by my husband.
C. I feel angry and sad.

1) I don't know.
2) I don't know.  I just need to feel like an equal.  

During the week I recorded my husband's "at home involvement time":

Wednesday: He had the day off.  He came home at 4:30 (about the same time I get home).  I was thrilled.

Thursday: He worked at the firestation all night.

Friday: He had the day off.  He called me around 4:30, when I was already home, and said he'd be home around 5:30.  He cam home at 6:45.  I was angry, but did not say anything.

Saturday: He worked all night at the firestation.

Sunday: He was off work.  WE went to church.  It was the first time I had gone in months.  It was too emotional for me.  I began weeping three times during the service and eventually had to go sit outside.  I am not ready to begin to understand God's reasoning for recent deaths in the family OR about my past.   

Monday: He took off work from the firestation from 8am-8pm to do some of his mowing (side job).  He came home at 5:15 and took both boys to baseball and dinner while I tutored his cousin's daughter (he agreed to take both boys so the house would be quiet while I assessed her in order to help out his cousin).

Tuesday: My oldest son had his first therapy session until 6:30 (we decided to see if he needed it due to the unexpected death of his Papa).  I dropped him off at therapy at 5:30, picked up up my youngest from daycare, drove back to pick up my oldest from therapy, and headed home.  I called my husband on the way home.  He said he was at the neighbor's (his best friend's) and would meet me at home when I got there.  He got home about 30 minutes after us, even though he saw us drive by his friend's house on the way home.  I made the boys dinner, gave them a bath, and got them to bed around 9pm.  He was outside the entire time working on whatever.

Wednesday: I texted David and asked him to get the boys from daycare and school because I had to stay late and do work (tomorrow was the last day of school, so I had to pack up my classroom).  This is only the 2nd time I've had him do this.  I was thankful he was willing to help.  He got the boys from school and I actually got home before him and the boys.  They came home at 6, but I had to make dinner, give them a bath, and put them to bed while he worked on whatever outside.  

#24 Session 10 Therapy

Session 10: Power/Control Issues

Before my husband and I went to therapy for Session 10, I had to have a talk with him.  I expressed how I thought the focus of him going to therapy with me should be able be completing the program, to fix me, not to fix our marriage issues, yet.  We had both previously agreed that we would do marriage counseling right after I finish my therapy because there are a lot of problems with our marriage.  I explained to him how hard I had been working to change my thoughts and habits and how important completion of this program was for me.  I had left therapy last week angry and upset with him.  My homework included MARRIAGE issues, not PTSD issues.

I told him I thought it would be best to complete this program on my own before we started going to therapy together.

He was upset.  He apologized.  He acknowledged I was right, but insisted on him still going.   He agreed not to argue this session and just be there for me.

Well, as soon as we walked into therapy, we went over Session 9's homework.

This time I was the problem.

He did sit back and listen as I went over last weeks ABC's.  He didn't say a word.

Then it was his turn to talk about his homework.

I lost it.  I couldn't handle it.  I couldn't sit back and listen.  I've never been able to.  I got defensive, even walked out of the room once.  I kept interrupting him.

I was the problem.

All three of us determined that I need to complete this program without him.  I am not ready for blame or confrontation or to compromise.

I still have to learn those skills: listening, agreeing, not always being the center of conversation, and not being defensive.

After I calmed down, we went over Esteem.  She questioned whether we needed to repeat Session 10 due to most of the therapy session being spent on my anger issues.

I pleaded and expressed how I can do this.  I need to do this.  I need to finish this, and how hard I would work on Esteem during the next week.

Esteem Issues Module

Beliefs Related to SELF: Self-esteem is the belief in your own worth, which is a basic human need. Being understood, respected, and taken seriously is basic to the development of self-esteem.

Prior Experience
If you had prior experiences that represented a violation of your own sense of self, you are likely to develop negative beliefs about your self-worth. The traumatic event may seem to confirm these beliefs. Prior life experiences that are associated with negative beliefs about the self are likely to be caused by:
- Believing other people’s negative attitude about you
- An absence of empathy and responsiveness by others
- The experience of being devalued, criticized, or blamed by others
- The belief that you had violated your own ideals or values

If you had prior experiences that served to enhance your beliefs about your self-worth, then the traumatic event may disrupt those beliefs (your self-esteem).

Examples of Negative Self-Esteem (Self-Worth) Beliefs
􀂾 I am bad, destructive, or evil
􀂾 I am responsible for bad, destructive, or evil acts
􀂾 I am basically damaged or flawed
􀂾 I am worthless and deserving of unhappiness and suffering

Symptoms Associated With Negative Self-Esteem (Self-Worth) Beliefs
􀂾 Depression
􀂾 Guilt
􀂾 Shame
􀂾 Possible self-destructive behavior

Beliefs Related to OTHERS: These are beliefs about how much you value other people. In addition, a realistic view of others is important to psychological health. In less psychologically healthy people, these beliefs are stereotyped, rigid, and relatively unchanged by new information.

Prior Experience
If you had many bad experiences with people in the past or had difficulty taking in new information about people you knew (particularly negative information), you may have found yourself surprised, hurt, and betrayed. You may have concluded that other people are not good or not to be respected. You may have generalized this belief to everyone (even those who are basically good and to be respected). The traumatic event may seem to confirm these beliefs about people.

If your prior experiences with people had been positive, and if negative events in the world did not seem to apply to your life, the event was probably a belief-shattering event. Prior beliefs in the basic goodness of other people may be particularly disrupted if people, who were assumed to be supportive, were not there for you after the event.

Examples of Negative Others-Esteem Beliefs
􀂾 The belief that people are basically uncaring, indifferent, and only out for themselves
􀂾 The belief that people are bad, evil, or malicious
􀂾 The belief that the entire human race is bad, evil, or malicious

Symptoms Associated With Negative Others-Esteem Beliefs
􀂾 Chronic anger
􀂾 Contempt
􀂾 Bitterness
􀂾 Cynicism
􀂾 Disbelief when treated with genuine caring compassion (“What do they really want?”)
􀂾 Isolation or withdrawal from others
􀂾 Antisocial behavior justified by the belief that people are only out for themselves

My homework was to go over the Esteem Module and figure out which symptoms I had.

I also had to compliment at least one person a day.

AND I had to do something for MYSELF every day.  (I knew this task would be hard considering my husband works 24 hour shifts.)

My therapist also went back through my ABC's from Session 9 Homework.  She picked out the ones she thought could be dealt with on my own and wait on doing the marriage issue ones during marriage counseling.

Usually my sessions are a week apart, but due to scheduling issues, I only had 4 days.

I had a lot to do this next week, but I was determined to get it done.

#25 Session 10 Homework

Homework: Challenging Beliefs Worksheets

These were the ABC's from last week that I needed to complete.

Esteem Issues Module

Beliefs Related to SELF: Self-esteem is the belief in your own worth, which is a basic human need. Being understood, respected, and taken seriously is basic to the development of self-esteem.

Prior Experience
If you had prior experiences that represented a violation of your own sense of self, you are likely to develop negative beliefs about your self-worth. The traumatic event may seem to confirm these beliefs. Prior life experiences that are associated with negative beliefs about the self are likely to be caused by:
- Believing other people’s negative attitude about you
- An absence of empathy and responsiveness by others
- The experience of being devalued, criticized, or blamed by others  I have this symptom.  I am constantly feeling devalued by my husband.  Criticizism Challenging Beliefs Worksheet also below.
- The belief that you had violated your own ideals or values

If you had prior experiences that served to enhance your beliefs about your self-worth, then the traumatic event may disrupt those beliefs (your self-esteem).

Examples of Negative Self-Esteem (Self-Worth) Beliefs
􀂾 I am bad, destructive, or evil
􀂾 I am responsible for bad, destructive, or evil acts
􀂾 I am basically damaged or flawed
This is a symptom I have, so I also did a Challenging Belief Worksheet on that symptom.

􀂾 I am worthless and deserving of unhappiness and suffering

Symptoms Associated With Negative Self-Esteem (Self-Worth) Beliefs
􀂾 Depression  This is a symptom that I have that I hope will get better through therapy.
􀂾 Guilt  This is a symptom that I have that I did a Challenging Beliefs Worksheet on below over apologizing.
􀂾 Shame This is a symptom that I have that I did a Challenging Beliefs Worksheet on below over apologizing.
􀂾 Possible self-destructive behavior This is a symptom that I have that I have been working on: picking at myself.

Beliefs Related to OTHERS: These are beliefs about how much you value other people. In addition, a realistic view of others is important to psychological health. In less psychologically healthy people, these beliefs are stereotyped, rigid, and relatively unchanged by new information.

Prior Experience
If you had many bad experiences with people in the past or had difficulty taking in new information about people you knew (particularly negative information), you may have found yourself surprised, hurt, and betrayed. You may have concluded that other people are not good or not to be respected. You may have generalized this belief to everyone (even those who are basically good and to be respected). The traumatic event may seem to confirm these beliefs about people.

If your prior experiences with people had been positive, and if negative events in the world did not seem to apply to your life, the event was probably a belief-shattering event. Prior beliefs in the basic goodness of other people may be particularly disrupted if people, who were assumed to be supportive, were not there for you after the event.

Examples of Negative Others-Esteem Beliefs
􀂾 The belief that people are basically uncaring, indifferent, and only out for themselves This is a symptom that I have that I did a Challenging Beliefs Worksheet on over empathy.
􀂾 The belief that people are bad, evil, or malicious
􀂾 The belief that the entire human race is bad, evil, or malicious

Symptoms Associated With Negative Others-Esteem Beliefs
􀂾 Chronic anger
Chronic anger is a symptom I have, so I also did a Challenging Belief Worksheet on that symptom.

􀂾 Contempt
􀂾 Bitterness
Bitterness is a symptom I have, so I also did a Challenging Belief Worksheet on that symptom.

􀂾 Cynicism
􀂾 Disbelief when treated with genuine caring compassion (“What do they really want?”)  This is a symptom that I have that I did a Challenging Beliefs Worksheet on over empathy.
􀂾 Isolation or withdrawal from others  This is a symptom that I have that I did a Challenging Beliefs Worksheet on previously about being antisocial.  My therapist and I determined that this could also just be my personality.
􀂾 Antisocial behavior justified by the belief that people are only out for themselves
Antisocial behavior is a symptom I have, so I also did two Challenging Belief Worksheets on that symptom.

My homework also included complimenting someone every day.  
I did this even though it was hard to do "in-person" due to me being at home with my boys during the summer and not working.  I called, texted, and Facebooked daily.  However, my goal for the week was to compliment my husband on one of those days.  I found this to be the most difficult.  I couldn't bring myself to  do it.

Then I had to do something for myself each day.
Friday: Bought myself new pajama dress from Kohls with my gift certificate.
Saturday: Quilted while I watched Dexter on Netflix.  My husband was at work all day and night, so I had to wait until the boys were tired and had them watch a movie on my bed.
Sunday:  I bought hair bleach at Sally's and bleached a streak in my hair.  Twice a year I do this before I add a color to the bleached streak (because my hair is such a dark brown, it's the only way a color will show).
Monday: Quilted again while I watched Dexter since my husband was at work.

#26 Session 10 Esteem Survey on Myself

After I read the Esteem Module, I knew apologizing, empathizing, and criticism were my biggest issues.  

They are my weaknesses.  

Anything that has to deal with feelings associated with having friends.

I don't consider myself a "social" person.  I've never had many "real friends".  

So, I wanted to see what others thought about me.  Others included my family, real friends, and acquaintances.

I made a survey online for people to answer anonymously. 

There were 10 questions:

1)How hard working am I?
2) What do you like most about me?
3) What do you like least about me?
4) What could I do to improve myself?
5) Do I apologize when needed?
6) How emotionally close do you consider me?
7) How well do I take criticism?
8) How well do I work with others?
9) What is most important to me?  Family, friends, or work?
10) Describe the last time you saw me angry.

This was EYE OPENING for me!

Even though they were answered anonymously, I could mostly tell if they were from family, friends, or co-workers.  But that didn't bother me.  It was kind-of fun guessing which ones were from what group.

What wasn't fun was facing the truth.

I knew my weaknesses, but I didn't know that they knew them too.

The answers were the following:

1)How hard working am I?

How hardworking is Ashley?

  • Answered: 14 
  • Skipped: 0


Not at all

Extremely hardworking

Quite hardworking

Moderately hardworking

Slightly hardworking

Not at all hardworking

Yes, I like that I am considered hard-working.  That is one of my best qualities.

2) What do you like most about me?

She is very creative and willing to try all kinds of things, even the out if the ordinary.
6/10/2014 6:01 PM View respondent's answers
Her creativity
6/10/2014 5:25 PM View respondent's answers
Her personality, great sense of humor, love of learning, dedication and commitment to work. She is very trustworthy and honest. She knowledgeable in so many areas. She is a delight to be around.
6/4/2014 4:20 PM View respondent's answers
She is very down to earth and honest. You never have to guess where you stand with her and she is very loyal. She is also a GREAT mother!
5/31/2014 8:05 PM View respondent's answers
She's creative, intelligent, gives to her students 150%! She never gives up on anything.....she always finds a way to get something done. Talented in art. works very hard at school and home.
5/31/2014 8:03 PM View respondent's answers
Her looks
5/30/2014 11:23 PM View respondent's answers
She loves deeply
5/30/2014 11:20 PM View respondent's answers
She has a big heart.
5/30/2014 8:08 PM View respondent's answers
Shes a very straight forward person, that will not hold back and tells you how it is. She's strong willed and someone that will be honest with you.
5/30/2014 5:59 PM View respondent's answers
Her "go get em" attitude! Always seems like there is nothing that can stop her from accomplishing her goals! And if you needed the shirt off of her back she would gladly give you whatever she had!
5/30/2014 5:16 PM View respondent's answers
Her ability to be honest and truthful
5/30/2014 4:03 PM View respondent's answers
Ashley works hard to help anyway that she can even if it makes her uncomfortable.
5/30/2014 2:58 PM View respondent's answers
That she will stand up for her family and friends regardless the situation
5/30/2014 2:57 PM View respondent's answers
Her adventurous spirit and her love of children and learning
5/30/2014 2:36 PM View respondent's answers

I like how people consider me trustworthy and honest.

3) What do you like least about me?

She can come off as very conceited or rude at times.
6/10/2014 6:01 PM View respondent's answers
Shares too much personal information
6/10/2014 5:25 PM View respondent's answers
I worry about her mood swings. I hope that Ashley can learn that she can only change/control herself or the way she reacts to things when it comes to marital situations.
6/4/2014 4:20 PM View respondent's answers
she can be "unrefined" in statements she makes-blunt
5/31/2014 8:03 PM View respondent's answers
Her meanness
5/30/2014 11:23 PM View respondent's answers
Difficulty listening to others tell stories/talk/share/etc. without seeming to take over conversation and try to "one up" whatever the person is talking about
5/30/2014 11:20 PM View respondent's answers
I worry about what she is going to say.
5/30/2014 8:08 PM View respondent's answers
At times she seems standoffs.
5/30/2014 5:59 PM View respondent's answers
Blows things out of proportion and holds grudges; needs to let things go sometimes.
5/30/2014 5:16 PM View respondent's answers
Inability to trust, rarely accepts others opinions if her mind is set
5/30/2014 4:03 PM View respondent's answers
She talks badly about her husband and others sometimes.
5/30/2014 2:58 PM View respondent's answers
There is not anything I don't like, but I know she is not one for hugs. I am a very affectionate person an I show it through physical contact. Physical contact has never been big with Ashley. She is making progress on this so I am proud of her!
5/30/2014 2:57 PM View respondent's answers
That she doesn't take care of herself or value the woman that she is
5/30/2014 2:36 PM View respondent's answers

This is why I needed this survey.  Now I know how my "outer shell" looks.  I am always defensive.  I have to be the best and for people to know I'm the best.  Things that come out of my mouth can be horrid.

It's like I don't want people to like me as a friend.  It's like I prevent myself from gaining friends because I care so much about how "tuff" I look.

4) What could I do to improve myself?

Let people in, if someone is friendly, be friendly back.
6/10/2014 6:01 PM View respondent's answers
Talk less about personal issues  ??? and maybe listen more??? - my own insight on comment
6/10/2014 5:25 PM View respondent's answers
Her personal appearance and cleanliness/hygiene. She is so beautiful inside and out but sometimes does not look the part.
6/4/2014 4:20 PM View respondent's answers
dress nicer ( iron clothes if needed), fix her hair( she's got beautiful hair) ,wear some makeup(doesn't need much because she is very pretty, Get out and about with a friend- go to the mall, have a pedicure, buy herself something special to wear
5/31/2014 8:03 PM View respondent's answers
Be nice
5/30/2014 11:23 PM View respondent's answers
Improve by stop trying TO PROVE. She doesn't need to prove anything, 1 up anyone, or be the center of attention. She is liked. She is loved and she is accepted, so stop trying so hard.
5/30/2014 11:20 PM View respondent's answers
Think before she speaks.
5/30/2014 8:08 PM View respondent's answers
Take more time just for herself and her hobbies.
5/30/2014 5:59 PM View respondent's answers
Be more open an upfront with yourself! Relax a little and let life happen! It's okay to not be perfect and have faults! She's a wonderful person and just want her to see that too!
5/30/2014 5:16 PM View respondent's answers
Break bad habits and know she has the will power to do so
5/30/2014 4:03 PM View respondent's answers
Ashley could improve herself by looking at the positive even when there is negative in her life.
5/30/2014 2:58 PM View respondent's answers
Know that it is okay to cry. She is always so tough and it is healthy to cry.
5/30/2014 2:57 PM View respondent's answers
Allow herself some grace. Truly embrace the belief that she can only control her actions and reactions ; no one else
5/30/2014 2:36 PM View respondent's answers

I think it's a lot like the previous question.

5) Do I apologize when needed?

I'm not sure
6/10/2014 6:01 PM View respondent's answers
6/10/2014 5:25 PM View respondent's answers
Yes, I have seen her really work on this.
6/4/2014 4:20 PM View respondent's answers
I've never been in a situation where she needed to apologize to me.
5/31/2014 8:05 PM View respondent's answers
I believe she would...no example
5/31/2014 8:03 PM View respondent's answers
5/30/2014 11:23 PM View respondent's answers
I think if it is someone close to her, yes. If she's not close to them then no. Maybe doesn't know or care that she's offended them?
5/30/2014 11:20 PM View respondent's answers
I don't know.
5/30/2014 8:08 PM View respondent's answers
5/30/2014 5:59 PM View respondent's answers
Given our history of a difficult disagreement a few years ago, I would have to say no.
5/30/2014 5:16 PM View respondent's answers
She doesn't apologize but she makes it right.
5/30/2014 4:03 PM View respondent's answers
Yes, she tells when she was wrong even if it was hard for her to admit she was wrong.
5/30/2014 2:58 PM View respondent's answers
I don't remember a time when Ashley ever needed to apologize
5/30/2014 2:36 PM View respondent's answers

To me, the only thing that matters is that there is a NO.  In fact, there are 3 of them.  This is something I have got to change about myself.  I always knew apologizing was hard, but I have never faced the issue.  Now I will.

6) How emotionally close do you consider me?

How emotionally close do you consider Ashley's friendship?

  • Answered: 14 
  • Skipped: 1

Very Close (We

can share...
Good (We don't
have as many...
(We never ha...

Very Close (We can share everything)

Good (We don't have as many personal conversations as we should)

Aquaintences (We never have personal exchanges)
This is what I want to tell myself: "Only 3 of the people who were surveyed are very close to me, so I should only consider their answers as the right ones."


I have to quit telling myself that the only people that matter are the people who are the closest.

The definition of acquaintance on the survey makes me curious, though.  So, I looked the answers up a different way, individually.   Here are the answers that the 3 gave who never have personal exchanges with me:
Q1: How hardworking is Ashley?
  • Quite hardworking
Q2: What do you like most about Ashley?
I love her boldness to be herself and not fear what others think about her. I love & admire how confident she is in herself as a woman and mom.
Q3: What do you like least about Ashley?
She can be negative when talking about life or her spouse & sometimes I think it could be hurtful to her spouse.
How would they know this if we never have personal exchanges? Maybe one of my husband's friends? Possibility since I asked people on Facebook to take this survey.
Q4: What could Ashley do to improve herself?
Being aware of her natural faults and continuing to strive to be better. No one is perfect & she is doing exactly what anyone could to becomes better.
Q5: Does Ashley apologize when needed?  Give examples if you have them.
Q6: How emotionally close do you consider Ashley's friendship?
  • Aquaintences (We never have personal exchanges)
Q7: How well does Ashley take criticism?
  • Other (please specify)Unknown but seems to listen to others
Q8: Evaluate the following statements.
  • Ashley works well with others.Agree
  • Ashley likes to work by helself.Agree
  • Ashley likes to join in conversation.Neither Disagree Nor Agree
Q9: Take into consideration what you know about Ashley.  Please rank the following as to what you feel is most important to Ashley.
  • Ashley's Job3
  • Ashley's Family2
  • Ashley's Social Network1
Q10: Describe the last time you saw/heard Ashley angry or mad.  
Facebook posts
Maybe they only know me from what I put on FaceBook.

Q1: How hardworking is Ashley?
  • Extremely hardworking
Q2: What do you like most about Ashley?
Her creativity
Q3: What do you like least about Ashley?
Shares too much personal information
So we don't have personal exchanges, but this is their answer? I'm confused.
Q4: What could Ashley do to improve herself?
Talk less about personal issues
Q5: Does Ashley apologize when needed?  Give examples if you have them.
Q6: How emotionally close do you consider Ashley's friendship?
  • Aquaintences (We never have personal exchanges)
Q7: How well does Ashley take criticism?
  • Not well.  She always defends her actions.
  • Which is what I'm doing right now.  Ugg.  I want to say this answer is unfair because we obviously never have personal exchanges, but that would be me not facing the facts.  Always defending myself and my actions.  Never admitting fault.
Q8: Evaluate the following statements.
  • Ashley works well with others.Agree
  • Ashley likes to work by helself.Neither Disagree Nor Agree
  • Ashley likes to join in conversation.Neither Disagree Nor Agree
Q9: Take into consideration what you know about Ashley.  Please rank the following as to what you feel is most important to Ashley.
  • Ashley's Job1
  • Ashley's Family3
  • Ashley's Social Network2
Q10: Describe the last time you saw/heard Ashley angry or mad.  

This is my husband's cousin's answers:
Q1: How hardworking is Ashley?
  • Extremely hardworking
Q2: What do you like most about Ashley?
Her "go get em" attitude! Always seems like there is nothing that can stop her from accomplishing her goals! And if you needed the shirt off of her back she would gladly give you whatever she had!
Q3: What do you like least about Ashley?
Blows things out of proportion and holds grudges; needs to let things go sometimes.
Q4: What could Ashley do to improve herself?
Be more open an upfront with yourself! Relax a little and let life happen! It's okay to not be perfect and have faults! She's a wonderful person and just want her to see that too!
Q5: Does Ashley apologize when needed?  Give examples if you have them.
Given our history of a difficult disagreement a few years ago, I would have to say no.
Q6: How emotionally close do you consider Ashley's friendship?
  • Aquaintences (We never have personal exchanges)
  • Other (please specify)Our friendship used to be amazing and I was so happy she became a part of my family and my life! I miss her!!
Q7: How well does Ashley take criticism?
  • Not well.  She always defends her actions.
Q8: Evaluate the following statements.
  • Ashley works well with others.Agree
  • Ashley likes to work by helself.Neither Disagree Nor Agree
  • Ashley likes to join in conversation.Strongly Agree
Q9: Take into consideration what you know about Ashley.  Please rank the following as to what you feel is most important to Ashley.
  • Ashley's Job2
  • Ashley's Family1
  • Ashley's Social Network3
Q10: Describe the last time you saw/heard Ashley angry or mad.  
Our last big argument a few years ago! Although we were both hurt and disagreed she took it a step further and abandoned our friendship and the hardest part was the relationship with me losing my cousin and my son losing his!

I'm confused by labeling it as aquaintance, but I guess that's because we did have a falling out. To this day, we both choose to only have a "family" relationship. I did consider her one of my best friends at one point of my life, but we both stopped the friendship after a disagreement. I also chose to keep it as a "family only" relationship because our friendship was an unhealthy one. It caused too much drama in our lives.
Here are the individual answers for the 3 who said we were VERY CLOSE:

This one probably hurts the most.  These are my husband's answers:
Q1: How hardworking is Ashley?
  • Moderately hardworking
Q2: What do you like most about Ashley?
Her looks
This hurts. Obviously from the answers above, I need to make myself look better because I don't try. I don't care how I look. Isn't there something he likes more than my looks? What would happen if I was in an accident and was disfigured?
Q3: What do you like least about Ashley?
Her meanness
Q4: What could Ashley do to improve herself?
Be nice
Q5: Does Ashley apologize when needed?  Give examples if you have them.
Q6: How emotionally close do you consider Ashley's friendship?
  • Very Close (We can share everything)
Q7: How well does Ashley take criticism?
  • Not well.  She always defends her actions.
Q8: Evaluate the following statements.
  • Ashley works well with others.Neither Disagree Nor Agree
  • Ashley likes to work by helself.Strongly Agree
  • Ashley likes to join in conversation.Agree
Q9: Take into consideration what you know about Ashley.  Please rank the following as to what you feel is most important to Ashley.
  • Ashley's Job1
  • This hurts too.  He really thinks that?
  • Ashley's Family2
  • Ashley's Social Network3
Q10: Describe the last time you saw/heard Ashley angry or mad.  
Every day
I guess that's why marriage counseling begins after CPT PTSD therapy is over.

You can tell by the last line that this was my dad's:
Q1: How hardworking is Ashley?
  • Extremely hardworking
Q2: What do you like most about Ashley?
She has a big heart.
Q3: What do you like least about Ashley?
I worry about what she is going to say.
Q4: What could Ashley do to improve herself?
Think before she speaks.
Q5: Does Ashley apologize when needed?  Give examples if you have them.
I don't know.
He does know. He knows the answer is NO. I should have apologized sooner (finally did a week ago) to my grandma about something that happened 6 months ago. He reminded me again about a month ago that I should have already apologized.
Q6: How emotionally close do you consider Ashley's friendship?
  • Very Close (We can share everything)
Q7: How well does Ashley take criticism?
  • Listens but doesn't use my advice
Q8: Evaluate the following statements.
  • Ashley works well with others.Agree
  • Ashley likes to work by helself.Neither Disagree Nor Agree
  • Ashley likes to join in conversation.Agree
Q9: Take into consideration what you know about Ashley.  Please rank the following as to what you feel is most important to Ashley.
  • Ashley's Job2
  • Ashley's Family1
  • Ashley's Social Network3
Q10: Describe the last time you saw/heard Ashley angry or mad.  
When she asked me if I cheated on her mom two years ago.
This made my jaw drop. He has never brought this up. I did. And he said we weren't having the conversation, we we still haven't, to this day.
Q1: How hardworking is Ashley?
  • Moderately hardworking
Q2: What do you like most about Ashley?
Her ability to be honest and truthful
Q3: What do you like least about Ashley?
Inability to trust, rarely accepts others opinions if her mind is set
Q4: What could Ashley do to improve herself?
Break bad habits and know she has the will power to do so
Q5: Does Ashley apologize when needed?  Give examples if you have them.
She doesn't apologize but she makes it right.
Q6: How emotionally close do you consider Ashley's friendship?
  • Very Close (We can share everything)
Q7: How well does Ashley take criticism?
  • Not well.  She always defends her actions.
Q8: Evaluate the following statements.
  • Ashley works well with others.Agree
  • Ashley likes to work by helself.Strongly Agree
  • Ashley likes to join in conversation.Agree
Q9: Take into consideration what you know about Ashley.  Please rank the following as to what you feel is most important to Ashley.
  • Ashley's Job1
  • Ashley's Family2
  • Ashley's Social Network3
Q10: Describe the last time you saw/heard Ashley angry or mad.  
Phone call she was upset and frustrated

I don't know who answer this one, but they answered correctly. They do know me. The job before family took me by suprise.

2 out of 3 people who consider me very close think that work comes before family to me. I need to work on this. My job is very, very important to me, but nothing compares to my family.
7) How well do I take criticism?

How well does Ashley take criticism?

  • Answered: 14 
  • Skipped: 1

Very well
Listens but

doesn't use ...
Not well. She
always defen...
Other (please

Very well

Listens but doesn't use my advice

Not well.  She always defends her actions.

Other (please specify)
Here were the responses if they put OTHER:
Unknown but seems to listen to others
6/10/2014 11:15 PM View respondent's answers
I can see this improving. She is listening and takes time to reflect.
6/4/2014 4:20 PM View respondent's answers
Never really seen her criticized
5/31/2014 8:05 PM View respondent's answers
I'd say criticism from other teachers roll off her back. Criticism from hubby hurts. It's a personal attack or insult to who she is
5/31/2014 8:03 PM View respondent's answers
Constructive criticism when given in a kind helpful manner. She tends to take criticism personally not always separating herself from the thing she might need to improve on.

I know this is a weakness of mine.  I am going to work on it. Criticism hurts my pride, especially at work.  I have always considered criticism negative.  I need to STOP.

8) How well do I work with others?

Evaluate the following statements.

  • Answered: 15 
  • Skipped: 0

Ashley works

well with...
Ashley likes
to work by...
Ashley likes
to join in...

Ashley works well with others.

Ashley likes to work by helself.

Ashley likes to join in conversation.
Notice there's no DISAGREE on me working by myself.  They are right.  I like working by myself because then I know it was done right.  I need to stop thinking that way.  I need to gain knowledge from others, like in this survey.

9) What is most important to me?  Family, friends, or work?

Take into consideration what you know about Ashley.  Please rank the following as to what you feel is most important to Ashley.

  • Answered: 15 
  • Skipped: 0

Ashley's JobAshley's Family

Social Network

Ashley's Job

Ashley's Family

Ashley's Social Network
Almost everyone knows my social network is not that important to me.  But it should be important.  I need to work on this.  My family comes #1.  Should social come before work?  I don't know...

10) Describe the last time you saw me angry.

Facebook posts
6/10/2014 11:15 PM View respondent's answers
I often hear her vent about things, but have only heard her talking about things get husband has done that made her mad.
6/10/2014 6:01 PM View respondent's answers
6/10/2014 5:25 PM View respondent's answers
The only time I am aware of Ashley being upset is with David. Home Situations
6/4/2014 4:20 PM View respondent's answers
she just explains what has happened in her life-she doesn't freak out or throw things. I think she tries to understand the person she is mad at which is usually her husband because he is not doing his part of the marriage. i.e. helping with kids, laundry, housework, sports, homework and putting kids to bed.
5/31/2014 8:03 PM View respondent's answers
Every day  <---- my husband's answer
5/30/2014 11:23 PM View respondent's answers
Heard her upset talking about something David did or didn't do. Don't remember what
5/30/2014 11:20 PM View respondent's answers
When she asked me if I cheated on her mom two years ago.
5/30/2014 8:08 PM View respondent's answers
Not sure
5/30/2014 5:59 PM View respondent's answers
Our last big argument a few years ago! Although we were both hurt and disagreed she took it a step further and abandoned our friendship and the hardest part was the relationship with me losing my cousin and my son losing his!
5/30/2014 5:16 PM View respondent's answers
Phone call she was upset and frustrated
5/30/2014 4:03 PM View respondent's answers
Ashley got mad when others did not listen to her when she was talking and interupting her.
5/30/2014 2:58 PM View respondent's answers
It had to do with David and his lack of understanding and sometimes insensitive nature. That seems to be a hot button for her. Also anyone questioning her professionalism.
5/30/2014 2:36 PM View respondent's answers

My husband.  My anger points towards him.  I don't know why.  Hopefully marriage counseling we begin in a couple weeks can help.