#6 After Session 1 but before Session 2

In Between Session 1 and 2

Tonight I am staying at the Holiday Inn by myself. 

Today started out as a normal day.  My husband would get off work at 8am, so I had to get the boys ready and to school on my own.  Then after work I drove them back home. 

As I pulled into the driveway, my jaw dropped.  Three tractors and a dump truck in my front yard.  Two of the tractors were running, so I went up to one of them.  My husband's best friend was in it.  I asked him where my husband was.  He said he was out mowing.  This meant that MY HUSBAND was out making money for his OWN personal business account.  My husband's brother was in the other tractor. 

There was no more grass in my front or back yard.  None.  There was grass this morning.  All mud.  They were moving dirt with the tractors. 

I had no idea this was going to happen.  No warning.  No, "Hey, I was thinking about doing something to the yard."  "What is your opinion." No discussion what-so-ever. 

I immediately screamed, "Get the fuck out of my yard!"  I yelled at the both of them, called my mother in law to tell her I was dropping the boys off (I didn't tell her the reason why.  She would have to ask her son that one.), packed an overnight bag for me, dropped them off at the in-laws without saying a word, tried to call my husband (no answer), texted my husband to pick up the boys at his parents, and went to the Holiday Inn. 

I spent the night in a hotel.  Alone.  I couldn't handle it.  I hadn't even got out of my car when I got home from work before I felt completely overwhelmed. 

While at the hotel my husband kept texting me horrible things... as I was trying to finish Session I's assignment. 

The next night I was up until 2am mopping tons of mud off the floor.  It had rained and snowed, and it was all mud.  We don't have a sidewalk.  Not a bit of concrete. 

They next day they are still moving dirt.  My husband is still the un-empathetic asshole man he has been for the past year. 

Back to me doing everything (he does the dishwasher when he's "home".  AKA, inside.). 

Nothing's changed.  It probably never will.