#9 Session 2 Assignment AGAIN

At last week's therapy session it was decided that I need another week of Session 2 assignments to redo and add new ones. 
 Last week's ABC worksheets were considered "avoiding". 

Also, after looking at Session 3's assignment, I felt unprepared.
I am not ready to face that assignment yet.  So, I am going to rewrite the 3 stuck points I previously did and try to add a couple more. 

By not doing Session 3, I got a "Strike 1".  Three strikes and I have to stop the therapy.

Only two sessions and I already have one strike. 

Redone ABC's:

A. When men look at me they imagine doing sexual acts with me.
B.  Looking attractive makes men look at me in a sexual way (therapist added: mind reading).
C. I feel scared.

1) Yes, sometimes.  It would depend on how I was dressed and where I was.  But most of the time, probably not. 
2) Do not try to purposely look unattractive. 


A: Family or strangers (everyone except children) touch my skin or clothing.
B: Other adults touching me is uncomfortable.
C: I feel disgusted when someone hugs or touches me.                                                                   

1) No, they are not harming me.  They are trying to make me feel better.
2) Most adults touch others for comfort or positive things.


A: Someone is getting close to me and might touch me.
B: People are dangerous.
C: I feel scared when I think someone's going to touch me or sit/stand close to me.                       

1) Yes.
2) They are not going to hurt me.  I should feel happy that people feel comfortable being close to me.


A: Having sex with my husband.
B: Sex only happens to please my husband.
C: I feel ashamed when I am intimate with my husband.                                                           

1) Yes, sometimes.  Often, most of the time, my husband puts forth no effort in pleasing me.  No, I could be more forthcoming with my husband about my needs.
2) Enjoy sex instead of thinking of it as my job.


A. I get in bed to go to bed.           
B. David tries to have sex with me when he knows I don't want to.
C.  I feel angry.

1) Yes, when I'm not feeling "connected" to him.  No, he's thinking we need to have sex for our marriage to be healthy.
2) He's not trying to have sex with me to be mean.  He's trying because he loves me. 


A. A 19 year old overpowered a 13 year-old into doing things to pleasure himself.            
B. When you are 13 you don't know right and wrong in all circumstances.
C. I feel ashamed.

1) Yes.
2) He was 19.  I was 13.  He knew what he was doing was wrong.


A. I wear socks or a blanket is caught around my feet.      
B. Blankets and socks are suffocating.
C. I feel scared.

1) No.
2) When my feet are covered I am not trapped.  I can escape.


A. I wear my wedding ring.            
B. My wedding ring is too fancy to wear every day.
C. I feel sad.

1) No.
2) My husband spent a lot of money on my ring.  I should be proud to show it off. 


A. I pick at myself.                   
B. Picking at myself is relaxing.               
C. I feel disgusted.

1) Yes and no.  Not when I pick so much it hurts or I scab for days and scar.
2) Think of something else to do that relaxes me.